Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I have been thinking a lot lately about my Mamaw. If things go as planned, I hope to move closer to her. I think of how she is getting older and about a time when she may no longer be with us. I try not to think about that too often, because...well that thought makes me have panic attacks. I dread the day that my Mamaw is not a phone call away. I want to be closer to her. I want to be the one to care for her when that time comes, no matter how difficult she can be. I want to be near her and soak up all the knowledge that she has to offer me. I want my children to know and love her like I do. It has just been on my mind so much lately. I can't get there fast enough.

1 comment:

Diana said...

There are so many things that I now wish I would have asked my mother and grandmother when they were alive.
Questions about family and such. I just never thought to ask while they were still here Bonny.
I guess I thought they would be around forever. You are wise to want to gather as much knowledge as you can from your Mamaw. I would ask questions and write the answers down. I wish I would have thought of that back then.
Love Di ♥