Saturday, September 6, 2008

Smokey's Chicken Suit!!

Smokey's Chicken Suit!!
Originally uploaded by fuzzybunny2
We totally pissed off the cat tonight by putting this chicken suit on him. I had to give him lots of treats to talk to me again. I guess we can forget about him actually wearing it for Halloween. Oh, well, it was a good laugh this evening at the poor cat's expense.


Christy said...

OMG...this is absolutely the funniest stinkin thing!!! Hee hee.

Unknown said...

Yep.. way too funny..
And the look on the face says..
"You just think I use the litter box..that's aaalll right"!

And we dressed our dog up in the most fruu fruu tu tu this afternoon..
Oh Lord.. poor animals..